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Getting keyword placement and focus right for your web pages

When creating or updating a web page:

  1. Decide where your main keyword combination for that page is going to be.
  2. Add the keyword in 2 places
    • Title
    • H1 tags
    • Page Name – save or create the page with the same name as your keyword combo

Keyword in your page title
The page title is the very first line you can see for any site in your browser. Usually has the site icon ahead of the Title Text. This is probably the most NB place for keywords in the eyes of Google.

Place the keyword combo in your title using good English if possible.

Do no repeat keywords just make sure that they are there.

2. Place tag around ONE SINGLE reference of your Keyword Combo in the page text.
Add the tags like this:
Software Development .
NB if possible try to make this wording a little different to your title wording. This one should probably be longer.

3. Save your page with the file name of the Keyword Combo so that it will appear in the page URL

Try keep page URL’s as clean as possible.