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Writing articles for the web

Writing articles for the web can be hugely rewarding from a number of aspects:

Personal development

  • where the act of writing forces you to focus your thoughts on a subject,
  • writing your ideas down forces you to trim down and clarify your thoughts as you go thru the process of moulding your thoughts into a readable format
  • writing also enhances your understanding of the stuff you are writing about (this is really really true!)
  • often getting your detail down "on paper" forces you to do more research and to make sure that your facts straight
  • writing forces you to be disciplined, as the act of sitting down and getting the article written takes discipline and determination

Generating Web Traffic

The articles you write will, when distributed in the right places on the web, produce a steady volume of traffic to your website. The traffic that flows onto your site will be shaped by the content of your articles, thus delivering high quality leads and prospects to your site.

When you produce quality articles, they will be copied and pasted to many sites all over the web. Sometimes your articles will be cited and linked to as well. This process will continue for a long time and over time your traffic will grow from a wide range of sources.

Your Online Reputation

The writing of good articles (well written, well thought out and researched) will bring you an unexpected personal reward. Over time you will become recognised as an expert in the field that you are writing for. This is specially true if you write with a professional attitude and produce copy that is readable and understandable for your intended readers.